Friday, October 14, 2011

The R-Word

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, 
it will forever live its whole live believing that it is stupid."

~Albert Einstein~

     Would you EVER call that beautiful little girl above a retard? 

      That would be mean wouldn't it? I hope your answers were no and yes. However, I'm sure that you've heard someone say "you're retarded, she's retarded, that's retarded" and you didn't even blink. Heck, you yourself may have said it at one point or another. Or in reaction to something, have said or heard said, "RETARD!". These may just seem like words in everyday speech, another way to say "stupid". Well it isn't JUST a word. It's a hurtful, hateful, derogatory word. Special needs kids have to struggle every day to do the things "typical" people do with ease. Often times they do it with the biggest brightest smile on their faces. They have a way of restoring your faith in humanity, a way of showing you that life is what you make it, and they choose to make it GREAT! 
     Yes, the word retarded is still used, even in the medical community, however even that is being phased out. And let's be real. When someone uses the word retarded in their speech 99.99999% of the time they are NOT using it to describe someone's medical diagnosis. They are using it to degrade some one, some thing. They are using it to describe someone as the dumbest of dumb. They aren't being nice. Period. Just like the N-word, just like every other derogatory term used to describe a group of people based on color, religion, or heritage, the R-word should be phased out of our vocabulary and our children should be raised better. If you think the word is ok, then I challenge you to look at the picture above and call her a retard. Tell that innocent little girl, that does nothing but love people, she's retarded. Look at a picture of someone with Downs Syndrome and call them that ugly word, look at your neighbor down the street, still feel good about using it? I hope not. If you want to be a part of the change then make a pledge, right now, to erase that word from your vocabulary and to not tolerate it from others. Speak up, on person CAN make a difference! If you find the need, print my daughter's picture and next time someone challenges you about it, or says the word, show them Shelby and tell them to call her that to her face, with her mama around. Commit to being the change we need in this world. I will now post a popular PSA video and the link where you can join others in Spreading the Word to End the Word! 

From my family and from Shelby, we thank you!

Share this!

And THIS is where you take the pledge! Do it for Shelby! Click the image below to pledge! 

Please share this post with others. Let's make a change!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I started this blog on the 1st of August.
In just over 2 months we now have...

978+ Page views

We have readers from 10 countries

United States
United Kingdom

And I've made 10 posts! 

Thank you to everyone that takes the time to read our blog. I thank the community of A4cwsn for helping to spread the word! I look forward to watching it all grow!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mobile Education Store

Mobile Education Store is a huge supporter or Apps For Children with Special Needs ( They are an app developer with many apps aimed at helping children develop skills in the areas of speaking and writing. It is designed to help special needs children and those on the autism spectrum. However there is no reason it wouldn't also be beneficial to neuro typical children. So let me break it down for ya. I credit A4cwsn for reviews and app descriptions. For video demos of the apps and full reviews please check out the links after each one on the Apps For Children with Special Needs website! Most apps are in the $2.99-$5.99 range and geared towards but not exclusively for special needs children. Please check out MobileEd's apps and spread the word to your friends. They do amazing things and their generosity towards A4cwsn knows no bounds! Thank you Gary James and Mobile Education for doing what you do for our very special kiddos! Now, share this blog post to anyone and everyone. Facebook, Twitter, Cafemom, if it'll let you share this do it! lol Now back to my PTO stuff, Open House is tomorrow! Eeeek!

Conversation Builder:

ConversationBuilder™ (Pat. Pend.) is for elemetary aged children to help them have multi-level conversations with their peers in social settings. For a full description, reviews, and a video demo here is the link to A4cwsn  a great place to get information on apps! 

 Language Builder:

Language Builder offers a rich and fun environment for improving the ability to create grammatically correct sentences. View video demo and complete description by A4cwsn here.

 Question Builder

Question Builder is designed to help elementary aged children learn to answer abstract questions and create responses based on inference. View video demo and complete description  by A4cwsn here.

 Sentence Builder

Sentence Builder is designed to help elementary aged children learn how to build grammatically correct sentences. View video demo and complete description by A4cwsn here.

 Story Builder

Story Builder is designed to help children accomplish the following educational goals: 1) Improve paragraph formation; 2) Improve integration of ideas; and 3) Improve higher level abstractions by inference. View video demo and complete description by A4cwsn here.

 Speech Journal

Speech Journal is a customizable voice recorder that you pair recorded messages with your own imported images and image sequences. View video demo and complete description by A4cwn here.

Check out all of them together HERE!